The genius of John: a composition-critical commentary on the Fourth Gospel
Tác giả: Peter F. Ellis
Ký hiệu tác giả: EL-P
DDC: 226.5 - Phúc âm theo thánh Gioan
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1
Từ khóa: Bible, New Testament, Jean, Commentaires, John, Phê bình, chú giải, Tin mừng thứ tư, Gioan,

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 110LT0002556
Nhà xuất bản: Doubleday
Năm xuất bản: 1984
Khổ sách: 23
Số trang: 330
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích

The prologue (1:1-18)
Part I: Witness to Jesus (1:19-4:3)
The Baptist witnesses to Jesus (1:19-51)
Water replaced by wine at Cana (2:1-12)
Jesus cleanses the temple (2:13-25)
Rebirth through water and the Spirit (3:1-21)
The Baptist witnesses to Jesus again (3:22-4:3). Part II: Response to Jesus (4:4-6:15)
The Samaritan woman believes (4:4-38)
The Samaritan townspeople believe in Jesus (4:39-45)
The royal official believes (4:46-54)
The Jews reject Jesus, and Jesus rejects the Jews (5:1-47)
The Galilean Jews refuse to believe (6:1-15)
Part III: The new exodus (6:16-21)
The new exodus
Jesus walks on the sea (6:16-21). Part IV: Fruitless appeals to the Jews (6:22-12:11)
The true bread gives life everlasting (6:22-71)
Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (7:1-8:59)
The man born blind and the Good Shepherd (9:1-10:21)
Jesus at the Feast of the Dedication (10:22-39)
Jesus is the resurrection and the life (10:40-12:11)
Part V: The hour of glory (12:12-21:25)
The arrival of Jesus' hour (12:12-50)
Jesus' farewell discourse (13:1-17:26)
Passion, death, and burial (18:1-19:42)
Mary at the tomb (20:1-18)
Jesus appears to His disciples (20:19-21:25)