I. The nature of Mark's gospel. Background of Markan criticism
Order of the synoptic Gospels
The Gospel of Mark as narrative
Mark as biography
II. Problem and method. The problem
The method
III. The Markan portrait of Jesus. Jesus, the successful leader: Proclamations
Other laudatory elements
Jesus, the failure
Lack of laudatory details
Treatment of miracles
Lack of understanding
Contrast with John
Other negative elements
IV. Contrast and conflict. Contrast with John the Baptizer: The beginning
Jesus' baptism
The temptations
Later references
Jesus' proclamation
Jesus' conflict with official Judaism
Five conflict stories
Conflict with the scribes
Conflict with the Pharisees
Total opposition
Final conflict
V. Failures with his own. The failure with the disciples: The twelve
The disciplines misunderstand
The disciplines fail
Failure with family and neighbors
Omission of birth narratives
Jesus at home
The prophet without honor
VI. Further evidence. Limited arguments: The treatment of miracles
The limiting of witnesses
Possible evidence
The role of the crowd
The passive Jesus
The secrecy commands
VII. Conclusions