From Christ to the world: introductory readings in Christian ethics
Phụ đề: Từ Chúa Kitô đến thế giới: các bài đọc giới thiệu về đạo đức Kitô giáo
Tác giả: Wayne G. Boulton, Thomas D. Kennedy
Ký hiệu tác giả: BO-W
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Tập - số: 1
Số cuốn: 1
Từ khóa: Catholic Church, Church, Catholic Church Doctrines, Christian ethics, Giáo hội công giáo, Thần học, Đức Tin, Đạo đức kitô giáo

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 110LT0002527
Nhà xuất bản: EERDMANS
Năm xuất bản: 1994
Khổ sách: 26
Số trang: 542
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích

I. Sources of Christian ethics
Biblical ethics / Allen Verhey
Ways of using Scripture / James M. Gustafson
Scripture and the love of God / St. Augustine
Social ideas in the New Testament / Walter Rauschenbusch
Biblical imperatives / Richard J. Mouw
The moral authority of Scripture / Stanley Hauerwas
Feminist consciousness and the interpretation of Scripture / Margaret A. Farley
Biblical revelation and social existence / James Cone
Tradition in ethics / Jeffrey Stout
The transmission of divine revelation / Vatican II
Community experience as a source of Christian ethics / James Tunstead Burtchaell
What it means to stand in a living tradition / Douglas F. Ottati
Feminist interpretation : a method of correlation / Rosemary Radford Ruether
The authority of tradition / John Howard Yoder
Excerpts from the Nicomachean Ethics / Aristotle
Excerpts from Summa contra Gentiles and Summa theological / St. Thomas Aquinas
Conscience and truth / Pope John Paul II
Moral justification / Richard J. Mouw
A historical example : the challenge of the "fools for Christ" / Christos Yannaras
On keeping theological ethics theological / Stanley Hauerwas
Excerpt from Humanae vitae / Pope Paul VI
Scientific humanism and religion / Edward O. Wilson
The abolition of man / C.S. Lewis
The relationship of empirical science to moral thought / James M. Gustafson
A different voice in moral decisions / Carol Gilligan
Using empirical information / Lisa Sowle Cahill
II. Features of Christian ethics
Treatise on Christian liberty / Martin Luther
The meaning of responsibility / H. Richard Niebuhr
Three approaches / Joseph Fletcher
The problem of Protestant ethics today / Paul Ramsey
Values, victims, and visions / James Gaffney
From decision to story / James W. McClendon, Jr
A framework for feminist ethics / Carol S. Robb
Excerpts from The city of God and The morals of the Catholic Church / St. Augustine
The cardinal virtues / Kenneth E. Kirk
The relevance of an impossible ethical ideal / Reinhold Niebuhr
Ethical principles of moral action / Paul J. Tillich
For justice in shalom / Nicolas Wolterstorff
Implications for a theory of justice / Karen Lebacqz
Justice and Christian charity / Gordon Graham
Friendship and fidelity / Gilbert Meilaender
To bear wrongs patiently / Sidney Cornelia Callahan
On the insufficience of human strength / Tito Colliander
Excerpts from the Schleitheim confession of faith / The Swiss Brethren