Preacher of the gospel
grace as the heart of human experience
The high point of an eighty-year- old theologian's life
The importance of Thomas Aquinas
liberation theology
The devil, possession and exorcism
Do we need a third Vatican Council?
Witness to the council
Contemporary questions
The Peace Movement: a hope for many
Marian devotion today
Contemporary Christian life
Contemporary youth and the experience of God
Dialogue with youth
In dialogue with Atheists
Marxists and believers for peace
Atheists and believers
Realistic humanism
Our relationship to the Church
The future of the world and of the Church
Christianity, a religion for the whole of humanity?
The unity of the Church to come
Church and faith
The future of the Church
the future of belief
The Church's situation
Tasks facing the Church
A "wintry" Church and the opportunities for Christianity
Those familiar with Rahner's writings will recognize here the distinctive theological emphases and interests he elsewhere pursued in detail and depth - theological anthropology, pluralism of religions, atheism, science and theology, death, hope and religious experience, to name some of them. The discussions in this book are clear and concrete, indicating at almost every turn Rahner's courage and humility in theological construction and criticism