Great Christian thinkers
Phụ đề: Những nhà tư tưởng Kitô giáo vĩ đại
Tác giả: HANS KUNG
Ký hiệu tác giả: KU-H
DDC: 230.09 - Lịch sử, các nhà Thần học Ki-tô giáo
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Tập - số: 1
Số cuốn: 1
Từ khóa: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430, Barth, Karl, 1886-1968, Luther, Martin, 1483-1546, Origen, Paul, the Apostle, Saint, Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834, Theologians, Theology, Thần học, Lịch sử, Giáo phụ, Thần học gia

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 110LT0002524
Nhà xuất bản: Continuum
Năm xuất bản: 1994
Khổ sách: 22
Số trang: 235
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích

Brief introduction to Theology
Paul: Christianity Becomes A World Religion:
Most controversial figure for Christians and Jews
Change in life at the end of an age
Uninterested in Jesus?
Connection between Paul and Jesus
Same cause
Paul against the Jewish law?
Torah is still valid
Most famous dispute in the earliest church
Man of his time
Abiding stimuli for the individual, the people, the community
Origen: The Great Synthesis Of Antiquity And The Christian Spirit:
New challenge
Thwarted martyr
First model of a scientific theology
Reconciliation between Christianity and Greek culture: a vision of the whole
How Origen read scripture
Christian universalism
New persecutions and the success of Christianity
Development or apostasy from the gospel?
Problematic shifting of the centre
Battle over orthodoxy
Christian self-criticism in the light of the future
Augustine: Father Of All Western Latin Theology:
Father of a new paradigm
Origen and Augustine-differences and common features
Life in crisis
Move to Christianity
Dispute over the true church: Donatus and the consequences
Justification of violence in religious matters
Dispute over grace: Pelagius and the consequences
Theology of original sin and predestination
Critical questions to Augustine
Great threat to the empire
What is the meaning of history?
Thomas Aquinas: University Science And Papal Court Theology:
Another form of life in another world
Aristotle: the danger
Theology: now a rational university science
Discovery of the power of reason
Two Summas: a formal principle
New theology: at first regarded as heresy
Problematical dependence on Augustine
Ancient world-view: a test case-the place of women
Despite everything, a court theology: the papacy safeguarded
Dialogue with Islam and Judaism?
Mysterious breaking off of the Summa
Martin Luther: Return To The Gospel As The Classical Instance Of A Paradigm Shift:
Why there was a Lutheran Reformation
Basic question: how is one justified before God?
Catholic Luther
Spark of reformation
Programme for Reformation
Basic impulse of Reformation
Reformation paradigm
Criterion of theology
Where Luther can be said to be right
Problematical results of the Lutheran Reformation
Split in the Reformation
Freedom of the church?
Friedrich Schleiermacher: Theology At The Dawn Of Modernity:
Beyond pietism and rationalism
Modern man
Belief in a new age
Can one be modern and religious?
What is religion?
Significance of positive religion
Essence of Christianity
Modern faith
Christ: also truly God?
Critical questions
Nevertheless: the paradigmatic theologian of modernity
Karl Barth: Theology In The Transition To Postmodernity:
Controversial Protestant in the World Council of Churches
Critic of Roman Catholicism
Catholic attempts at understanding
Ecumenical understanding
Second Vatican Council
Why the paradigm of modernity has to be criticized
Initiator of the postmodern paradigm of theology
Not the perfecter of the postmodern paradigm
Abiding challenge of natural theology
Abiding challenge of Rudolf Bultmann
Towards a critical and sympathetic re-reading against the postmodern horizon
Epilogue: Guidelines for a contemporary Theology
Bibliography and notes