Christianity and the religions: from confrontation to dialogue
Phụ đề: Kitô giáo và các tôn giáo: từ đối đầu đến đối thoại
Tác giả: Jacques Dupuis
Ký hiệu tác giả: DU-J
DDC: 261.2 - Ki-tô giáo và hệ thống tín ngưỡng khác
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1
Từ khóa: Church, Catholic Church Relations, Christentum, Christianisme Relations, Christianity and other religions, Giáo hội Công Giáo, Đối thoại, Tôn giáo, Liên tôn,

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 110LT0002521
Nhà xuất bản: Orbis Books
Năm xuất bản: 2002
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 276
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích

Introduction 1 (1)
Three Theological Perspectives
2 (3)
From Confrontation to Dialogue
5 (3)
From Interreligious Dialogue to a Theology of Religious Pluralism
8 (3)
Outline and Development of This Book
11 (6)
Jesus, the Apostolic Church, and the Religions
17 (28)
Jesus and the Religions
20 (11)
The Horizon of the Reign of God
21 (2)
Entry of the Gentiles into the Reign of God
23 (2)
The Universality of the Reign of God
25 (4)
The Reign of God and the Religions
29 (2)
The Apostolic Church and the Religions
31 (14)
The Law Written on the Heart
33 (2)
The Unknown God
35 (2)
God Shows No Partiality
37 (2)
God Desires Everyone to Be Saved
39 (6)
At The Crossroads of Vatican II
45 (29)
Pre-Vatican II Theology of the Religions
47 (12)
Fulfillment Theory: The Binary Danielou-de Lubac
47 (5)
The Inclusive Presence of Christ: The Divergence between Rahner and Panikkar
52 (7)
Vatican II: A Watershed?
59 (8)
Positive Values Contained in Religious Traditions
61 (3)
Toward a Balanced Critical Appraisal
64 (3)
The Postconciliar Magisterium
67 (7)
The Pontificate of Paul VI
67 (1)
The Pontificate of John Paul II
68 (6)
Christianity and the Religions in Recent Theology
74 (22)
Paradigm Shifts
76 (3)
From Ecclesiocentrism to Christocentrism
76 (1)
From Christocentrism to Theocentrism
77 (2)
Further Models and Beyond
79 (8)
Regnocentrism and Soteriocentrism
79 (2)
Logocentrism and Pneumatocentrism
81 (3)
Beyond Western Categories
84 (3)
Toward a Model of Inclusive Pluralism
87 (9)
The Christological Question
87 (3)
A Trinitarian Christology as Interpretative Key
90 (6)
The God of the Covenant and the Religions
96 (18)
The Universal History of Salvation
98 (5)
Beyond the Judeo-Christian Tradition
98 (2)
The Saving Histories of Peoples
100 (3)
God's Covenants with the Peoples
103 (11)
Covenants Never Revoked
103 (6)
The Trinitarian Structure of History
109 (5)
``In Many and Various Ways''
114 (24)
The God of Revelation
117 (8)
``All Have the Same God''
117 (2)
The ``Wholly Other'' and the ``Self of the Self''
119 (6)
Words and Word of God
125 (13)
Words of God and Sacred Books
125 (4)
The ``Fullness'' of Revelation in Jesus Christ
129 (3)
Revelation, Differentiated and Complementary
132 (6)
The Word of God, Jesus Christ, and the Religions of the World
138 (25)
The Universal Action of the Word as Such
139 (17)
The Wisdom of God in the Wisdom Tradition
140 (2)
The Word of God in the Prologue to St. John's Gospel
142 (5)
The Doctrine of the Logos Spermatikos in the Early Fathers of the Church
147 (9)
The Universality of the Word and the Centrality of the Event of Jesus Christ
156 (7)
The Centrality of the Event of Jesus Christ
157 (2)
The Universality of the Word
159 (4)
The ``One Mediator'' and ``Participated Mediations''
163 (32)
Universal Savior and Unique Mediator
169 (13)
New Testament Christology Revisited and Interpreted
169 (4)
The Human Face of God
173 (5)
The Universal Presence of the Holy Spirit
178 (4)
Mediation and Mediations
182 (13)
Various Paths to a Common Goal
182 (3)
Participated Mediations of Salvation
185 (5)
Discernment of Saving Values
190 (5)
The Reign of God, the Church, and the Religions
195 (23)
Reign of God and Church: Identity or Distinction?
197 (9)
Recent History of Relationships between Church and Reign of God
197 (4)
Joint Members and Builders of the Reign of God
201 (2)
``Outside the Church No Salvation''?
203 (3)
The Church and the Religions in the Reign of God
206 (12)
Necessity of the Church
206 (7)
The Church, Sacrament of the Kingdom
213 (5)
Interreligious Dialogue in a Pluralistic Society
218 (18)
The Theological Foundation of Dialogue
222 (6)
``Mystery of Unity''
222 (3)
Dialogue and Proclamation
225 (3)
The Challenges and Fruits of Dialogue
228 (8)
Commitment and Openness
228 (2)
Personal Faith and the Experience of the Other
230 (2)
Mutual Enrichment
232 (4)
Interreligious Prayer
236 (17)
Praying Together: Why?
239 (3)
From Dialogue to Common Prayer
239 (2)
The Religions, God's Gifts to Humankind
241 (1)
Praying Together: How?
242 (11)
Common Prayer between Christians and Jews
243 (2)
Common Prayer between Christians and Muslims
245 (3)
Common Prayer between Christians and the ``Others''
248 (5)
Conclusion 253 (7)
Religious Pluralism in Principle
254 (1)
Mutual Asymmetrical Complementarity
255 (3)
A Qualitative Leap
258 (2)
Postscript 260 (5)
Index 265 (11)
A Word on ``The Christ Mandala'' of Nalini Jayasuriya 276