Jesus' Community of the unexpected, circa AD 28-30
Shaping the early church : human decisions in the spirit, circa AD 30-110
The Jesus Movement as a communion of churches, AD 110-600
A changing church : struggling with power, AD 600-1400
The birth of ecclesiology : theology responding to crises, AD 1400-1900
Vatican II : toward "a new order of things," 1900-
Restoring a future to a world church
Epilogue : A future for women in the church?
"The Church Unfinished traces how the Church came from the "community of unexpected persons" whom Jesus gathered around himself and how the Church was then shaped, over the course of centuries, by human decisions made in the Spirit. This study also develops a historical ecclesiology, linking an understanding of the complex development of the Church in the past with an eschatological openness to the future in which God may be calling the Church to new possibilities."