Introduction to ecclesiology: ecumenical, historical & global perspectives
Tác giả: Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen
Ký hiệu tác giả: KA-V
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1
Từ khóa: Church, Ecclesiologie, Church history, Giáo hội công giáo, Lịch sử, Giáo hội học,

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 110LT0002513
Nhà xuất bản: InterVarsity Press
Năm xuất bản: 2002
Khổ sách: 23
Số trang: 238
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích

Introduction: The role of ecclesiology in (systematic) theology
The church as an icon of the Trinity : Eastern Orthodox ecclesiology
The church as the people of God : Roman Catholic ecclesiology
The church as just and sinful : Lutheran ecclesiology
The church as covenant : Reformed ecclesiology
The church as the fellowship of believers : free church ecclesiologies
The church in the power of the spirit : Pentecostal/charismatic ecclesiologies
The church as one : the ecumenical movement ecclesiologies
John Zizioulas : communion ecclesiology
Hans Küng : charismatic ecclesiology
Wolfhart Pannenberg: universal ecclesiology
Jürgen Moltmann : Messianic ecclesiology
Miroslav Volf : participatory ecclesiology
James McClendon Jr. : Baptist ecclesiology
Lesslie Newbigin : missionary ecclesiology
Concluding reflections on leading ecclesiologists
The non-church movement in Asia
Base ecclesial communities in Latin America
The feminist church
African independent churches' ecclesiology
The shepherding movement's renewal ecclesiology
A world church
The post-Christian church as "another city"
Epilogue: Ecclesiological challenges for the third millennium