Jesus: an experiment in Christology
Tác giả: Edward Schillebeeckx
Ký hiệu tác giả: SC-E
DDC: 232.1 - Chúa Giesu (KI-TÔ HỌC)
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1
Từ khóa: Christology, Jesus Christ, Theology, Doctrinal, Jesus Christ Person and offices, Ki-tô học, Con người và sứ vụ, Thần học, Giáo lý,

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 110LT0002498
Nhà xuất bản: Seabury Press
Năm xuất bản: 1979
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 767
Tình trạng: Hiện có
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Why this book has been written
Part one. Questions of method, hermeneutics and criteria
Part two. "The Gospel of Jesus Christ" : by way of introduction : euaggelion or good news
Part three. Christian interpretation of the crucified-and-risen One
Part four. Who do we say that he is? Questions of method, hermeneutics and criteria. Historically grounded access of the believer to Jesus of Nazareth
The need is renewed for a post-critical, narrative history
"The Gospel of Jesus Christ" : by way of introduction : euaggelion or good news. Jesus' message of salvation on its way from God
Jesus' manner of life
The rejection and death of Jesus
Jesus' last prophetic sign : his death as being for others to interpret
The disciples scandalized by the arrest and execution of Jesus
"Why do you seek the living among the dead?" (Lk. 24:5)
The Easter experience : being converted, on Jesus' initiative, to Jesus as the Christ
salvation found conclusively in Jesus
Christian interpretation of the crucified-and-risen One. The early Christian movement centered around Jesus : divergent "reflexes" of the one Jesus of Nazareth
First identification of the person, a link between the earthly Jesus and the very early Christian creeds
"Raised from the dead"
Resurrection, exaltation, the sending of the Spirit, the Parousia
Theology "to the power of two"
Growing reflection within the traditions of the New Testament
Who do we say that he is? A conjunctural horizon of ideas and non-synchronous rhythm in the complex transformation of a culture
The break with tradition since the Enlightenment
Unique universality of a particular human being in history
The history of human suffering in the search for meaning and liberation
God's saving action in history
The Christological problem
Theoretical Christology, story, and praxis of the kingdom of God