Christology: memory, inquiry, practice
Tác giả: Anne M. Clifford, Anthony J. Godzieba
Ký hiệu tác giả: CL-A
DDC: 232.1 - Chúa Giesu (KI-TÔ HỌC)
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1
Từ khóa: Jesus Christ, Theologie, Christology, Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Doctrinal, Catholic Church, Jesus Christ Person and offices, Thần học, Thiên Chúa, Đức Giê-su, Ki-tô học, Con người và sứ vụ

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 110LT0002490
Nhà xuất bản: Orbis Books
Năm xuất bản: 2003
Khổ sách: 22
Số trang: 279
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
Introduction xiii
Anne M. Clifford
Anthony J. Godzieba
What Does Jesus Have to Do with Christ? What Does Knowledge Have to Do with Faith? What Does History Have to Do with Theology?
3 (15)
Paula Fredriksen
Epistemology and the Theological Application of Jesus Research
18 (29)
James F. Keating
The Future of Christology: Expanding Horizons, Religious Pluralism, and the Divinity of Jesus
47 (15)
Roger Haight
The Clash of Christological Symbols: A Case for Metaphoric Realism
62 (25)
Robert Masson
Response to Robert Masson: The Clash of Christological Symbols
87 (5)
Roger Haight
The Power of Divine Presence: Toward a Shekhinah Christology
92 (24)
Gloria L. Schaab
The Spirit Christology of Piet Schoonenberg
116 (25)
Michael E. O'Keeffe
Derrida's Use of Scripture
141 (18)
Jacquelyn Porter
Jesus Turns the Wheel of Dharma: Emerging Christologies of Contemporary Buddhism
159 (18)
Peter A. Huff
To Live at the Disposal of the Cross: Mystical-Political Discipleship as Christological Locus
177 (20)
M. Shawn Copeland
To Live at the Disposal of the Cross: A Response
197 (9)
Mary Ann Hinsdale
``At the Disposal of the Cross'': Discipleship, Julian of Norwich, and What Bartimaeus Saw
206 (8)
Anthony J. Godzieba
Feminists' Christs and Christian Spirituality
214 (23)
Linda S. Harrington
The Practice of Teaching Christology: A Panel
237 (40)
The Evolution of an Undergraduate Christology Course
237 (13)
Patricia A. Plovanich
Christology as Introduction
250 (15)
Elena G. Procario-Foley
Teaching Christology: History and Horizons
265 (12)
Terrence W. Tilley